Thursday, June 10, 2010

Veggie Garden!!


After months and months of waiting around and planning, we finally completed our veggie garden!! It took a lot of work and effort, but hopefully that will pay off when we get to harvest the goods!

We planted 8 tomato plants (YUM!), 1 zucchini plant, 1 pickling cucumber plant (this was actually an accident, I'm not going to attempt pickling), 1 normal cucumber plant (so far they look the same to me..), and 3 bell pepper plants (RIP red bell pepper plant.. I will be replacing you this weekend)

In addition to those plants, I also planted some seeds: carrots, lima beans, beets, and green onions. I have a small spot left that I'm not sure what to do with. Maybe more beets or lima beans! Or hot peppers? Or lettuce? HMM.

Building a raised garden bed from scratch was pretty fun, but a lot of work. After building the frame, we needed DIRT! I ordered 2 yards of a garden bed mix which had topsoil, sand and leaf humus.

The challenge was getting this

into this

She didn't help, but she looks cute, so we weren't mad.

We started shoveling the dirt directly into the garden with snow shovels. Hey, we're still basically new homeowners. We aren't expected to have real shovels, right?

Halfway through, we decided it might be a good idea to test out the wheel barrow that the previous owners left. Sure, it was a little rusty, and sat outside the whole time we've lived her, but I was sure it would still work.

But then this happened

Then this

Oh well.. we finished it by hand and it turned out great!

Cute little tomato plants!

More tomato plants

And zucchini, cucumber and bell pepper plants!

This was actually last Sunday. The plants are getting much bigger! I saw a tiny flower emerging on one of the tomato plants. MMM

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